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ANA In-House_edited.png

15 years of  Tweets.
In one day. 

The Original Donut Shop Coffee, a Keurig K-Cup pod brand, had been around for over a decade, but had never Tweeted.

How do you launch a Twitter account 15 years late without looking like a total loser?

With a straight face, we made it seem like the brand *had* actually been Tweeting the whole time, but that our hundreds of Tweets from the past 15 years had gotten clogged on the backend due to a technical snafu that was causing them to all come out at once. 

By the end of the day, we got 82.4K organic impressions, 2.2K engagements, 54.3K profile visits, the #1 search ranking for "coffee" (above Dunkin') and tons of new followers, including rapper JaRule.
Yes, the Fyre Fest guy.

All without spending a dollar on media.
Agency: Liquid Sunshine
CCO: Darren Moran
ACD/Art: Scott Rench
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